+91 9916667766
mktg@snps.net.in || info@snps.net.in
SN Power Solution established during the year 2009 with a strong motive & expertise to provide Reliable & Complete technical services catering to Repair and rewinding, Servicing , Major and Minor overhauling and supply of spares for Turbine and Generator from 1MW – 120MW.
With a strong and clear understanding about the importance of power generation units, we are continuously striving to provide safe & reliable service to our valued customers aiming to achieve highest level of satisfaction.
27.5MW,11KV,1500RPM, Make-ANDRITZ. ScopeofWork:-MainRotorRepairing Work Completed within: - 18 days
15MW,TC172,1500RPM,Make-TDPS. ScopeofWork:-MainRotor&ExciterRotorRewinding. Work Completed within: - 25 days
18MW,TC-172,1500RPM,Make-TDPS. Scope of Work:- Main Rotor & Exciter Rotor Rewinding. Work Completed within: - 25 days
16MW,TC172,1500RPM,Make-TDPS. ScopeofWork:-MainRotor&StatorRewinding. Work Completed within: - 20 days
12MW,TC-150,1500RPM, Make-TDPS. Scope of Work:- Main Rotor & Exciter Rotor Rewinding. Work Completed within: - 24 days
8MW,TC-150,1500RPM Make-TDPS. Scope of Work:- Main Rotor & Stator Rewinding. Work Completed within: - 30 days